
Energy, Vibration and Frequency | FYU Blogs #5


What is Energy?

Anything and Everything around us is Energy. For example, Life Force. It can be related to the state of mind. A person with a resourceful state of mind possesses positive energy, while someone with an unresourceful sense has negative energy. Fortunately, the state of mind can be changed by directing our energy in a certain direction. There is a saying, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” and "Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another form." By paying attention to positive things, we can change negative energy to positive energy, which will change the state of mind.


What is Vibration?

It is the feeling you get from being in a Particular Place or Situation or being with a Particular Person. Generally, the higher the vibration, the more positive energy you carry within yourself.

What is Frequency?

Frequency is nothing but the number of vibration per second. The higher the energy you possess, the higher the vibration you carry within yourself, and thus, the frequency you resonate at.

Just by paying attention to positive things or aspects, you can possess a resourceful state of mind, positive energy, higher vibrational state, and frequency.


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