
Design Your Life | FYU Blog #6

Lou Holtz once said, "If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don't have enough goals."

Now, all successful people have one thing in common, Goal Setting.


“We are Goal Seeking Creators”



It is a master skill for success. Everything is possible; without it, nothing is possible. Fortunately, goal-setting is a learned skill. It's a skill that anyone can learn if they're willing to put in the effort. It's very liberating when you finally realize that you have the power to shape your life in the exact manner you want it to be.

We should always look for non- materialistic goals to achieve. Materialistic goals, on the other hand, will create a spiral of other materialistic goals to succeed. Non- materialistic goals are goals like happiness. Materialistic goals are like making more money.

Let us understand it by an example. There are two job options. In job 1, there is a higher salary offer than that of job 2. But the thing is I will be happier doing the job two because job 2 is related to my passion.

Which job offer should I accept? Job 2 because it will never feel like doing the job as I love to do it.


Your success does not depend on anyone else. Most people on this planet do not get what they want because they do not have goals in their lives. Most people never go after what they want because they do not know the steps they have to take to get there.

All the time, you only have to know two things. You have to see where you're going. You have to know that you're going to get there. You've got to see it in your mind now. Experts on the science of success know that the brain is a goal-seeking organism. Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, the brain will start looking for resources, opportunities, and other ways to achieve your identified want.

We are goal-seeking creatures.


"Your Inner World Creates your Outer World" - Your brain is always trying to align your inner world with your outer world. You will begin to see what you instruct your mind to look for the things you want. The object of your desire has probably always existed all around you. Your mind and your eyes weren't open to it. You see, we are surrounded by billions of sensory visual and audio physical inputs of information each day to keep ourselves from going insane; you only remember where you focus. There is an excellent saying, 


" Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows."


Here's another example take the simple test in the room that you're sitting in right now. Count the number of red items that you see take five seconds and count as many as you can go. How many things did you count now?

Without looking, eyes closed, how many details in the room do you remember blue in color?

You probably can't recall any at all. Now open your eyes and focus on all the blue items that you see around the room, and you'll probably see a lot more than you remember. Why? For the first time, you weren't looking for them; thus, you didn't see them in your first reality; they didn't exist. When you define your goals, you give your brain something to focus on and look for you. Give your mind a new set of eyes to create unique circumstances, conversations, resources, ideas, and creativity and match on the outside with what you want on the inside your goal.

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